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How to Dramatically Improve Your Commercial Cleaning Inspections (+ Checklist)
The Ultimate Guide to Commercial Cleaning Inspections Commercial cleaning inspections  are vital to maintaining high standards, ensuring...

Increasing Customer Retention in Commercial Cleaning
The sheer volume of data that commercial cleaning companies accumulate can be overwhelming without a way to use it. Read on for...

Evaluating Customer Retention in Commercial Cleaning
Key performance indicators (KPIs) and other metrics can help track overall team performance and show you where areas of opportunity lie....

Why Your Cleaning Business Needs Business Intelligence
On the fence about Business Intelligence software? Just not sure how it works? Read on to learn more about it and why it is critical for...

Metrics and Your Cleaning Business
To maintain quality in your cleaning business, use metrics to measure and improve performance. In-house and contracted custodial teams...

Unveiling the Secrets and Outcomes of Client Retention
Does your commercial cleaning company want to improve your client retention rate. Learn how your quality management program...

Tips for Training Employees with a Language Barrier
Language barriers make employee training more challenging. Here are a few tips that can help you overcome language barriers with your...

Factors that Increase Cleaning Employee Turnover
We don’t have to tell you that cleaning staff turnover is a problem, but we will anyway. Industry estimates put the turnover rate at...

Powerful Facility Management Techniques to Improve Efficiency
Employees are only as productive and efficient as their manager, especially in the world of facility management. Learn how to improve...

Tips for Writing a Thank You Note for Your Cleaning Staff
If there is one thing we have learned from the past few years, it’s how indispensable our frontline workers are. Including, and...

5 Helpful Tips to Attract Government Cleaning Contracts
When it comes to government cleaning bids, top dollar earners are subcontractors who keep more control over the revenue flow, and their...

Using Quality Management Software to Build Trust
Manage your client’s and stakeholder’s expectations in three easy steps with the help of quality management software. Prove Your Value...

Management Tools for Facility Service Teams
Become an effective manager of your cleaning crew with these tips – and learn how quality and task management software can tip the...

Overcoming Obstacles to Using New Technology
Despite the challenges of adopting software, businesses stand to gain with sufficient investment and training. Adopting new...

5 Essentials for Client Surveys for Cleaning Businesses
Want to get a higher response rate from your client surveys? Get tips and advice from the experts. Client surveys play a crucial role in...

How To Generate Quality Leads For Your Cleaning Business
Are you wondering how to get cleaning leads that will turn into long-term clients? The five steps in this article will help you win and...
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